for the love of vogs

where the MotleyFlue gather


Nice to Meet John Fluevog

JFluevog_0223Sunday @Fluevog Treat

Simply stated, yesterday on Sunday afternoon, I met John Fluevog at the Haight Street store. Yes, this was my virgin moment meeting him  – SQUEE! And this was completely unexpected. SQUEE!

Thanks for the chat Mr. Fluevog … Thank you to Rachel for introducing me to John Fluevog. And thank you – on behalf of the MotleyFlue – for mentioning our blog. So very sweet of Rachel.

Our chat? Learning about his recent travels that included dropping by New Orleans, sharing how our blog came about, thanking him for his continued wonderful shoes that have lovingly affected my soul, hearing him share a bit about his current pursuits, and reminiscing about my joyful 50 by 50 endeavor.

Our head to toe pic? His vintage ’80s sunglasses and my Fellowship | Sandra.

Word of the Day … Magical

On a completely separate and personal note about my out and about with my Fellowship | Sandra shoes, this past Sunday was a little different than other Sundays. I auditioned (first-time experience) during the noon-time hour for a new Harold improv house team that is forming as part of EndGames. (Yes, I am an improviser.) We all learn the audition outcome on Tuesday or Wednesday. MAGICAL.

After the audition, I had about 2-3 hours to bop around San Francisco until catching up with a friend. Wanting to be somewhere relaxing, I dropped by the Haight Street store to say “Hello!” to the crew and to get my Fluegasm before Tuesday’s Shoe Care Event. Sunday afternoon’s Fluevogologists included Rachel, Alan, and Dee. (Glad to meet you for the first time, Dee.) And apparently – also meeting John Fluevog. MAGICAL.

Parking? If you know the Haight Street location, then you know the Goddess Asphalta, aka goddess of parking, must have been with me – parking found across the street with only one drive around the block. Magical.

More improv. Headed off to the Mission (magical parking again!) for practice with a newly formed experimental improv team, Letters. As usual, a fun and inspiring evening. MAGICAL.



SF Shoe Care Workshop on Feb 25

02-25 shoe careSan Francisco Haight Street store event

In the SF Bay Area?
Visiting SF during the week of February 23?
Missed an email from the Haight Street store because they send out store special emails when you sign up with them?* We are signed up, so consider this our forwarding an email to you all, because WE CARE that YOU CARE for your Fluevogs.

Love at first site … You remember when you fell in love with your Fluevogs. Rekindle your love-at-first-site feel with your ‘Vogs. Like you, the MotleyFlue know ‘Vogs are not only shoes but also investments, so keeping them up is a good thing. I will be there with my first pair, the Fellowship | Kathy and perhaps another pair, especially a pair to polish up.

Shoe Care Workshop

WHEN: Tuesday, February 25 – 7:00-8:00 pm

WHERE: 1697 Haight Street, San Francisco, CA 94117

From our John Fluevog Shoes Haight Street store folks –

A little TLC makes for happy Fluevogs! Join us for a hands on workshop to learn how to best care for your favorite Fluevogs. We’ll have a power hour full of polish, treats and education. You just need to bring a pair or two of your favorite ‘Vogs that could use a little tune up and we’ll provide everything else. Space is limited! You MUST RSVP to with the names of those attending by Friday, February 21. We’ll email you back to confirm your spot!

* Copyright © 2014 John Fluevog Shoes All rights reserved.
You’re receiving this email because you signed up for email specials while making a purchase at our store. We will send occasional email notifications to keep you updated on what’s happening at your favorite Haight St store.
John Fluevog Shoes 1697 Haight Street, San Francisco, CA, United States San Francisco, CA 94117 USA


breaking in the Manpanion

Happy Valentine’s Day! To celebrate this day of love, I’ll share the story of how I got the Manpanion to get his first Fluevogs. Enjoy!


I did it. I put my foot down and finally told the Manpanion that the reason why we haven’t set a wedding date is because I REFUSE to marry someone who is not going to wear Fluevogs on our wedding day….

He thought I was joking….

I wasn’t.

Okay, not all of that is true. As I have mentioned before, the Manpanion is a Fluevog supporter. He often accompanies me to the Haight Street store to look longingly at all the pretty things. However, he has never really had any real interest in owning a pair… until recently.

For the Manpanion’s birthday (last November), I decided I would contribute money to his first Fluevog purchase. He has been talking about finally buying a pair and I thought I would help out. During one of my  visits, we headed over to Haight Street. It was a moment that Le Dealers had been waiting for. Here are scenes from the adventure.

The first pair that caught the Manpanion’s eye were the Guardian Angel | Lucas. He tried these on before and really liked them. Since he’s been scouting the site, he declared that he likes the multi-toned shoes. I thought for sure we were going home with these.


Guardian Angel | Lucas (currently on sale).

However, I couldn’t let him leave the store without trying on the Guardian Angel | Andrew. They’re so beautiful and have all the basic colors in the Manpanion’s wardrobe. Much to his surprise, he found them more comfy than the Lucas. (Note: The Manpanion wears a size 10. He found these slightly pinchy, but says that they have since broken in nicely.)


Guardian Angel | Andrew

Since we didn’t know when the Manpanion would ever try on Fluevogs again, FlueDaddy Denny just had to make him try on a “dare” pair. I was not surprised when Denny brought out the Signatures | Prince George. Luckily, the Manpanion was a good sport and tried them on.


If you want to know what true love looks like, here it is:


Poor guy! He couldn’t balance and was so uncomfortable in these heels. I had to snap this pic quickly because these Vogs came right off. Lesson learned: when men try on an actual pair of heels and experience their discomfort, it forces them to automatically love and respect you more… and think twice before suggesting heels with an outfit.

He had so much fun trying on Vogs that he decided to try on this last pair:


Prophesy | Ernst

The Manpanion has been wanting a pair of casual boots for a long time. He was immediately attracted to the buttery leather and blue stitching of the Prophesy | Ernst. He said that the stitching matched with blue jeans, so he could see himself wearing these regularly. Personally, I think he liked these because it reminded him of something the Star Trek crew would wear!

The final verdict? He came home with these:


That night, he sported the Prophesy | Ernst to my cousin’s rehearsal dinner. The next evening, we attended their wedding as one snazzy Fluevog couple:


Maraming salamt (many thanks) to the Haight Street dealers. The Manpanion is one happy camper and wears his Fluevogs on a near daily basis. Though we haven’t set an exact wedding date, we’ve narrowed down the month and year, and will start looking at venues.

Oh what a difference Fluevogs make:)

For the love of the Manpanion and the people who love our love of Vogs,


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winter cleaning

I know doing this is absolutely unfair. However, I’m going to do it anyway. I’m cleaning out my  closet and have put two pairs of gorgeous Fluevogs for sale on the FlueMarket. You can click on the photo for more information. Act fast because these babies are beautiful and totally affordable!


Adriana: Nuni. Size 9.



Hi Choice | Hopes. Size 9.5