for the love of vogs

where the MotleyFlue gather


no adventure for me….

Hello! As always, apologies for such a tardy post. The summer was crazy and between wrapping up my summer course and transitioning back to Phoenix, life just got hectic! Plus, I didn’t get to see a lot of the fall line before I left. Instead of doing a huge rundown of what I’ve tried on, the best and most economical thing for me to do is to just show you what I tried on – one post at a time. Here we go….

When I first saw the Prepare Hi | Leader, I fell in love with the first online photos. In fact, I had lots of high hopes for these because of the open lacing. I have a healthy 16-inch calf. Therefore, I’m used to feeling rejected when trying on knee-high boots. Oh Mr. Fluevog, can you PLEASE keep us healthy gals in mind when you design? Sexy comes in 16-inch calves, you know?! Anyhoo…. Here’s what happened when I met the Adventures:


At size 9, these seemed to run true-to-size for me. From this angle, things look promising. The zipper is up and oh my, these are so gorgeous! However, this is where my relationship with the Prepare Hi | Adventure ends.


On the other side of heaven lies reality. First off, the lacing is way too short. Granted, this can be fixed with some longer laces. Right now, it just looks awful. While I embrace and whole-heartedly accept my healthy calves, there’s nothing worse than feeling ugly (even for a moment) because your dream boots don’t fit. The boots are meant to have a nice gap that is strapped in by the leather lacing. However, the gap is just way too big. I really wish these came in a large calf option because adding a leather extension just won’t work with these.


Years ago when I tried on the Mini | Sugar in LA, I had the same issue. The view from the front totally confirms that while the Adventure is gorgeous, it simply isn’t meant for me. (tears)

However, just because this isn’t meant for me doesn’t mean you’re going to experience the same thing. If your legs aren’t as thick as mine, these babies are delicious! They’re super comfy, ultra-sexy, and in my book, are as classic as the Grand Nationals. The only difference is you can totally walk in these! I envy those of you who can make this work. I love these, even though they’re not built for me.

Oh Mr. Fluevog, please consider a large calf option. I would love you forever if you did:)

For the love of Vogs,
